Plant Genetic Engineering, Elements


Erschienen am 30.06.2013, Auflage: 1/2013
179,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9789387813304
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 273 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Recombinant DNA Technology or Genetic Engineering (GE) has enabled rapid progress in the understanding of genes as also applications of such knowledge for human benefit. Thus, it is possible now to transfer genes to a species from a wider gene pool covering genes from other species and phyla too. Probably the widest application has been in crop improvement by Plant Genetic Engineering, the focus of this book. The objective of this book is to acquaint the students with the basic aspects, for their further explorations into the avenues of this fascinating science and technology. The book starts with a brief description of developments in biotechnology, from the art of fermentation to biofermentation, from landrace selection to GM crops. This is followed by descriptions of the basic aspects of gene structure, expression and regulation, and the experimental path, the techniques. The techniques, covered in several chapters, focus mainly on Recombinant DNA construction, gene amplification by cloning or PCR, the principles of plasmid and phage vector designing, construction of genomic and cDNA libraries and their screening. With this background, global initiatives in applications of these techniques in genome sequencing with focus on the Human Genome Project, production of Transgenic GM crops by nuclear transformation and more biosafe Transplastomic GM crops through chloroplast transformation, have also been described. Equal importance has been given to the two steps of GM crop production, formation of the low yielding primary transformant through GE and tissue culture and production of the final high yielding GM crop, by transfer of the transgene from the primary transformant to a selected high yielding variety by conventional plant breeding. The two steps make the lab to land transfer of transgenic plants possible. All through, the scientist's concern for biosafety of GM crops has been highlighted, including the endeavours for development of Cisgenic plants. The necessity of coupling advances in crop improvement with the holistic watershed development approach has also been mentioned. Important aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, Biosafety measures of risk assessment, prevention and mitigation and Biosafety regulations have also been discussed. The last chapter gives an account of the milestones in the history of molecular biology and recombinant DNA science with related references and web links. The book is intended for UG and PG students of botany, bioscience, microbiology, and courses related to biotechnology.


Dr. Debashis Banerji has been a student of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology since 1960. From early 1960s to 1993, he has researched on and taught these subjects at the Botany Department, Allahabad University, Allahabad; Orchard Park Labs of Roswell Park Memorial Cancer Research Institute (RPMI), Buffalo, New York; Trocaire College, Buffalo, NY and Botany Department, Meerut University, Meerut. He got his doctorate in 1966 from Allahabad University, on the role of cytokinins in plant development. At RPMI, Buffalo, NY he did pioneering post doctoral work on plant histones and chromatin associated nucleases in a lab which, in 1968, was one of the first to show Agrobacterium DNA integration into tobacco DNA for induction of crown gall tumour. At Meerut University, over thirty students have done doctoral work with him on areas related to plant development and heavy metal pollution. The researches have resulted in some valuable publications in high impact journals including Nature, Plant Physiology and BBRC. In 1993 he joined Samaj Pragati Sahayog (SPS), a voluntary organization of young visionaries, inspired by Baba Amte and dedicated to rural development through the Watershed Development approach and people's empowerment. At SPS he has been involved with development and spread of location specific sustainable dryland agriculture packages and empowerment of farmers and village workers through its Baba Amte Centre for People's Empowerment. From mid nineties he has been specially involved with theoretical and on-field aspects of GM crops, specially Bt cotton. Many scientists have helped him in this endeavour. The book Plant Genetic Engineering-Elements is based on these experiences of the author.

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